First Aid: CPR What If’s?

Instructors that teach the workplace-approved first aid and CPR programs are frequently asked lots of questions. This is a welcomed opportunity for questions especially as most instructors understand that many people learn from questions and answers scenarios. This page is dedicated to a number of frequently asked “what if” questions. Hopefully, the question that has been bothering you is answered here. For more details or to learn CPR take an emergency first aid course at a location near you. We have training partners with emergency first aid training courses in Calgary. Other course providers can be found in Vancouver, Edmonton, Surrey, Regina, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Ottawa, and Winnipeg.

What if I don’t have a bystander to contact emergency first aid medical services (EMS)?

If you have a cell phone you can contact EMS using speaker phone. If you do not have a cell phone rescuers must contact EMS immediately if the victim is an adult. For a child or infant, rescuers must perform two minutes of CPR before leaving to contact EMS. If the victim is an infant and can be carried after the 2 minutes of CPR, do so.

What if the victim vomits when I’m doing CPR?

When a victim vomits during CPR the rescuer need to immediately stop CPR and turn the victim’s head and clean out the vomit. Protective equipment such as gloves is strongly recommended. Vomiting (not regurgitation) is a sign of life and rescuers

Applying AED pads during firs aid CPR
Learn to use an AED by taking a first aid course with a St Mark James training provider.

should reassess vitals after the vomit has been removed and the airway is clear.

What if the AED says low battery? Do I keep going?

Rescuers should still attempt to use an AED even if a low battery prompt is displayed.

What if I can’t tell if it’s an adult or a child? What CPR should I do?

When in doubt, do two-handed CPR and follow the protocols of adult CPR.

What if the parents say “no”? Can I do CPR on their child or infant?

No, rescuers must obtain consent to do CPR on a child or infant. If no parents or caregivers are available and the patient is unconscious consent is implied. *Each province in Canada has a slight variation to this rule. Contact your local provider for more details. This applies to Canada only. This is for information purposes only.

What if I get too tired? Can I get somebody to take over the CPR?

Yes, if you are too tired to continue a bystander may be used to continue CPR with your supervision and help.

Participants enrolled in emergency first aid courses with credible providers will learn about many different “what if?” scenarios when learning about CPR. All the material posted above is for information purposes only. Learn to save a life by taking emergency first aid training.