The Basics Of Mental Health First Aid

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Many people are already familiar with the traditional “First Aid,” in which medical help is given to individuals with different physical conditions – whether it is an illness, an injury or other emergency conditions – before they eventually consult for professional medical assistance.  This kind of first aid, therefore, is all about providing care to the physical needs of an ill or infirm individual. But there are times when first aid is not just about giving physical medical assistance, because there are individuals who also need mental healthcare. Individuals who have mental problems need to get the necessary care they need just like those individuals who need CPR or wound care – this is where mental health first aid comes handy.

Why Mental Health First Aid Is Also Important?

Just like how we pay attention to the importance of health awareness, determining the needs of individuals with mental problems is also necessary. There are instances when we do not know if our loved ones or neighbors are already suffering from some form of mental health illness. Worse, they may not have any idea at all when it is necessary for them to turn for further mental health care. Signs and symptoms of mental health illness can be hard to detect, and even if the families of these people realize that something is wrong with them, they do not have enough knowledge how to intervene or send that person to necessary treatment.

These all boil down to one thing – people with mental illnesses do not receive prompt treatment until it is too late. As part of a large community, we should also have the necessary knowledge on how to identify the signs and symptoms of mental illness in order for these people to be directed to proper care sooner than later. By enrolling in a mental health first aid course, we can increase our chance to help others within the society, who are in need of mental health services.

People with depression or other mental disabilities should also be given proper treatment.  Mental Health First Aid can help them.
People with depression or other mental disabilities should also be given proper treatment. Mental Health First Aid can help them.

Important Mental Health Conditions Addressed in the Course

Different mental health challenges are addressed in this 8-hour course. Some of the basic knowledge that can be derived includes teaching parents, teachers, neighbors, teenagers about lending a helping hand to people experiencing substance abuse problems and other minor mental health issues like depression.

The course also tackles important developmental challenges experienced by youths, adults and older adults, as well as how to help someone during a major life crisis. Finally, becoming aware of someone’s mood, behavior, and physical characteristics is one important concept of the mental health first aid, so it would be easier for the community to direct these people to proper treatment.

Related Video About Mental Health First Aid:

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“Mental health first aid fills knowledge gap.” ABC Health & Wellbeing. Retrieved online on August 14, 2014 from

“Mental health first aid.” MHFA Australia. Retrieved online on August 14, 2014 from

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