Knowing what a high-risk pregnancy is

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For expectant mothers, a high-risk pregnancy can be very stressful, because it poses a challenge before, during and even after the delivery of the baby. This means that mothers need to have a special kind of monitoring in order to determine if any danger might arise from the entire course of pregnancy. It is therefore important for soon-to-be mothers to see their doctors regularly to know if they are within the high-risk pregnancy category or not. Apart from this, it is also necessary to determine what factors might contribute to a high-risk pregnancy and if there are steps mothers can do to protect themselves and their babies.

What Risk Factors Contribute To A High-Risk Pregnancy?

  • Pregnant mothers age 35 and above
  • Certain lifestyle habits such as smoking, using of illegal drugs and drinking during pregnancy
  • A multiple pregnancy, wherein the mother is expected to deliver two or more babies
  • Pregnancy that is overdue
  • Complications developed during pregnancy can also contribute to a high-risk pregnancy. This includes problems with the placenta, uterus or cervix, too much or lack of amniotic fluid that could affect fetal growth, blood incompatibility between the mother and the fetus, and severe vomiting that persists even after the first trimester.
  • Underlying medical conditions like high blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes and anemia.
  • If the mother has already given birth with certain conditions like a cesarean section, preterm birth or low birth weight, this can put her present pregnancy at high-risk.
  • There are also instances when a high-risk pregnancy results from certain medical conditions that a mother develops during her pregnancy, which can either affect her or the baby in the long run.

Promotion Of Healthy Pregnancy Is Very Important

Whether you are a new mother or you already know that your pregnancy is categorized as high-risk, it is important to follow a healthy regimen for the entire course of pregnancy. Doing some of the simplest yet helpful maternal health promotion is very effective during this time. For instance:

  • Scheduling an appointment with your obstetrician ahead of time if you and your husband are planning to have a baby – this can help determine if you have certain conditions that might increase your risk of pregnancy
  • Gaining weight properly, while eating healthy foods and avoiding risky substances
  • Having a regular prenatal care to help you and your healthcare provider monitor the condition of your pregnancy, especially the baby inside your womb

Related Video on High-Risk Pregnancies:

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“Health Risks.” Healthline. Retrieved online on August 16, 2014 from

“What are the factors that put a pregnancy at risk?” National Institutes of Health. Retrieved online on August 16, 2014 from


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