Emergency First Aid Training for Offices: Healthcare Facility Inaccessibility

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First Aid Training in the Workplace
All first aid training in the workplace includes CPR certification and training.

When it comes to determining the required number of employees who have undergone emergency first aid training, business owners or employers should take note of any nearby healthcare facilities such as hospitals and clinics. This is because offices and other workplace environment that are too far from these facilities should comply to more rigorous requirements than establishments that are less than 20 minutes away from one. Here are some of the regulations that offices that are inaccessible to healthcare facilities should follow when it comes to emergency first aid training.

Number of employees trained in first aid

The most followed regulation among all provinces and territories is that offices or other workplace environment that are far from healthcare facilities should have more number of employees who have received first aid training. This is the rule that is followed in Northwestern Territories and Nunavut in which offices and business establishments that are more than 20 minutes away from the nearest healthcare facility should have at least one trained employee for every nine employees. If there are more than 75 employees in the area, there should be one more trained employee for every increment of five employees.

Number of first aid kits

The types of first aid kits that businesses should have also depends on the distance between the establishment and the nearest healthcare facility as well as the number of employees. The general rule is that establishments that are farther away from healthcare facilities should have more advanced healthcare or first aid kits. In British Columbia for example, low risk business establishments that are less than 20 minutes away from a healthcare facility and have more than 100 employees should have a Level 2 First Aid Kit. Meanwhile, establishments that are more than 20 minutes away from a healthcare facility and has more than 76 employees should have a Level 3 First Aid Kit.


There are certain industries that are required by the government to have the same number of trained employees and first aid kits regardless of their distance from a healthcare facility such as the construction and forestry industry. These industries are more hazardous than others which is why they require a relatively high number of trained employees and first aid kits on the worksite. This rule is applied regardless of the province or territory where these businesses are built. Rigorous emergency first aid training is also mandatory for these industries in which employees will learn about more advanced first aid techniques and first aid kid paraphernalia which they can use whenever accidents occur.

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5YAio2PCBM” width=”220″]

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