Emergency First Aid Training 101: Jotting Down Notes

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Aside from calling the paramedics and reassuring or comforting the injured person, another important part in emergency first aid training that rescuers should never forget is to take down certain notes that can help the short and long-term treatment of the injured or affected victim. More often than not, these notes can increase the survivability of victims by helping other rescuers and more medically-trained personnel avoid giving contraindicated medications or administering medical interventions. It can also help medical professionals prescribe medications and develop a healthcare plan that are more suitable for the patient’s conditions instead of just guessing or shooting blanks. Here are some of the things that rescuers should take note of when rescuing injured or affected victims.

Medications and other poisons

For patients who are suspected of being poisoned or medicated, rescuers should take note of the names of the medications, food and other substances that are near the victim at the time of the rescue. When jotting down the medication, the most important thing that should be written clearly is the name. This helps paramedics avoid giving medications that may cause adverse reactions when combined with the medications that the patient have already taken. It also allows doctors to decide whether it would be more appropriate to administer charcoal or to perform a gastric lavage.

Injected Poisons
Injected Poisons

Car Accidents

Rescuers and bystanders alike should take note of the license plate of the car that has caused the accident. In the absence of a police officer, rescuers should give this piece of information to the paramedics once they arrive. The name of the street where the accident occurred should also be written down for reference.

Initial assessment of the patient

To help the doctors differentiate the injuries that were brought upon before, during and after the accident, rescuers should try to identify or describe what the victim looked like before, during and after the rescue. These include any changes during the ride to the hospital and the administration of first aid techniques.

In case the patient is conscious…

Rescuers should ask vital information such as the cause of the accident as well as the name and address of the victim. Rescuers should also ask for the contact number of the victim and the person who should be contacted during emergency situations which involves the victim. Enrolling in a first aid class can teach ordinary people how to take down notes properly so that they can be of more use to paramedics and other healthcare professionals. They will also be taught how to handle these situations better.

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI9qRMjFutM” width=”400″ height=”220″]

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